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No, really, please ban Chinese DJI drones from America's skies, senators asked

Fri, 2024-07-26 21:58
Previous outlawing attempt flew off, will this one stick the landing?

US senators have been asked again to consider banning the use of drones made by Chinese manufacturer DJI in American airspace after a previous attempt to outlaw the machines was dropped.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Kamala Harris' $7M support from LinkedIn founder comes with a request: Fire Lina Khan

Fri, 2024-07-26 21:14
FTC boss must be doing something right if folks will pay to get her binned

LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman was quick to express support for Kamala Harris' bid for the US presidency this year after incumbent Joe Biden stepped aside, and now the reason has become clear: He's hoping she'll fire FTC boss and Big Tech arch-critic Lina Khan.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Video game actors strike because they fear an attack of the AI clones

Fri, 2024-07-26 20:24
You wouldn't download a performer

Actors are back on strike for an entirely unsurprising reason: Studios aren't willing to give video game actors enough protection from artificial intelligence. …

Categories: Linux fréttir

iPhone kicked out of China’s top 5 smartphone brands as domestic market bounces back

Fri, 2024-07-26 19:26
Chinese brands ascendant in the country’s phone market, but Apple’s exile might only be temporary

For the first time in a while, the top five smartphone vendors in China are all native, with Apple's position falling to sixth place.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

CrowdStrike meets Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will

Fri, 2024-07-26 18:36
And boy, did last Friday's Windows fiasco ever prove that yet again

Opinion CrowdStrike's recent Windows debacle will surely earn a prominent place in the annals of epic tech failures. On July 19, the cybersecurity giant accomplished what legions of hackers could only dream of – bringing millions of Windows systems worldwide to their knees with a single botched update.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

SpaceX Falcon 9 set for comeback after upper-stage failure

Fri, 2024-07-26 17:38
Cracked line blamed for leak

SpaceX aims to resume launching the Falcon 9 rocket tomorrow after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) agreed to let the company return to flight operations.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Intel nabs Micron exec to oversee foundry business ambitions

Fri, 2024-07-26 16:29
Memory veteran to help Gelsinger and co with longstanding internal/external contract manufacturing plans

Intel is set to hire an executive from memory chipmaker Micron to head its foundry biz as the company pursues its strategy of turning its former internal manufacturing operations into a money-spinning concern.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Happy Sysadmin Day, the Bitlocker keys are in a bowl on top of the fridge

Fri, 2024-07-26 15:33
Vote below for the best way to celebrate our underappreciated heroes

Seven days after CrowdStrike's bad update took down Windows-based computers around the world, System Administrator Appreciation Day has arrived. And what lovely gifts did your employer spoil you with today? Shares in the company? A brand new Cybertruck? A USB stick?…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Boeing Starliner crew get their ISS sleepover extended

Fri, 2024-07-26 14:24
Bosses regret talking up mission duration as Capsule's lifetime extended to 90 days

The crew of the Boeing Starliner will spend the summer aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as NASA and Boeing refused to set a return date for the craft.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Progress discloses second critical flaw in Telerik Report Server in as many months

Fri, 2024-07-26 13:32
These are the kinds of bugs APTs thrive on, just ask the Feds

Progress Software's latest security advisory warns customers about the second critical vulnerability targeting its Telerik Report Server in as many months.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

'A moose hit me' and other ways people damage their gizmos

Fri, 2024-07-26 12:46
The wild world of wrecking our tech

Have you ever bitten your phone, or thrown it in anger? How about broken it in a collision with a moose? These are just some of the ways in which people have damaged their digital devices, according to a survey.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Google DeepMind's latest models kinda sorta take silver at Math Olympiad

Fri, 2024-07-26 11:35
Sure, it took three days to do what teenaged brainiacs do in nine hours – but who's counting?

Researchers at Google DeepMind claim they've developed a pair of AI models capable of taking home a silver medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) – although not within the allotted time limit.…

Categories: Linux fréttir to chuck up to £5B to gang of back office software vendors

Fri, 2024-07-26 10:34
Framework deal set to run until 2029 as central govt transitions to new ERP SaaS model

The UK government has gone to market shopping for back office software in a tender which could be worth up to £5 billion ($6.4 billion).…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Shuttle Columbia's near-miss: Why we should always expect the unexpected in space

Fri, 2024-07-26 09:33
The eventful launch of STS-93 and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Twenty-five years ago, Space Shuttle Columbia launched the Chandra X-ray observatory and nearly ended in catastrophe. As the then-ascent flight director John Shannon observed: "Yikes. We don't need another one of those."…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Customer bricked a phone – and threatened to brick techie's face with it

Fri, 2024-07-26 07:29
There's a difference between a warranty and insurance. In this story the latter could fight back

On Call Friday is the day the working week goes to die for most people – unless, like many a Reg reader, they're on call to provide tech support at all hours. Which is why we use this day to celebrate those hardy souls with a fresh instalment of On Call – the reader-contributed column that celebrates survival in the face of stupidity, mendacity, and substandard manners.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse

Fri, 2024-07-26 06:34
Management drank the Kool Aid but staff can't cope with new demands

Bosses expect artificial intelligence software to improve productivity, but workers say the tool does the opposite, according to a survey by find-a-workplace research org the Upwork Research Institute, a limb of talent-finding platform Upwork.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

UK and India sign broad tech collaboration pact

Fri, 2024-07-26 05:58
Pick a hot market – AI, quantum, chips, 6G – and the pair have a plan to work on it together

The UK and India agreed on Wednesday to a broad "Technology Security Initiative" that will see the two nations collaborate in ways it's hoped will unlock investment.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Omnissa, VMware's old end-user biz, emerges with promise of 'AI-infused autonomous workspace'

Fri, 2024-07-26 05:19
We think this means easier-to-administer virtual desktops with extra shiny

Omnissa, the newly independent business created by Broadcom's spinoff of VMWare's end-user compute arm, has proclaimed it will become a source of "AI-infused autonomous workspaces".…

Categories: Linux fréttir

North Korean chap charged for attacks on US hospitals, NASA – and even China

Fri, 2024-07-26 02:58
Microsoft, Mandiant, weigh in with info about methods used by Andariel gang alleged to have made many, many, heists

The US Department of Justice on Thursday charged a North Korean national over a series of ransomware attacks on stateside hospitals and healthcare providers, US defense companies, NASA, and even a Chinese target.…

Categories: Linux fréttir

Malware crew Stargazers Goblin used 3,000 GitHub accounts to make bank

Fri, 2024-07-26 01:34
May even have targeted other malware gangs, and infosec researchers

Infosec researchers have discovered a network of over three thousand malicious GitHub accounts used to spread malware, targeting groups including gamers, malware researchers, and even other threat actors who themselves seek to spread malware.…

Categories: Linux fréttir
